On Fri, 2025-01-17 at 14:58 +0100, sophi wrote:
> In case it's not possible to avoid using those placeholders, please
> add comments for translators, preferably in the source string
> description (where the KeyID is located), or otherwise in the source
> file at the location of the string.

FWIW, here's a sample .hrc comment intended for translators:


Which gettext is supposed to extract and make available in the output
.po files that translating works from.

While in the .ui files, in glade there is a "Comments for translators"
option when editing a translatable string which will add the
appropriate "comments" attribute into the .ui

If translators have had to painfully figure out something about a
translation it might be worth considering submitting patches to put
that info back into the source .hrc/.ui as comments.

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