Hi Mihail,
Le 17/01/2025 à 12:57, Mihail Balabanov a écrit :

I apologize for not knowing whom to address this to, so I'm posting it here.

I also support your request, this is not the first time we have it and I think, if I remember well, Martin already opened the discussion on Bugzilla.

I'll forward your mail on the dev list, because I think very few developers are reading here.

Recently, I've noticed an increase in new strings using placeholders like
%1 to construct sentences. This approach is quite unfriendly to
localization. For example, we have strings like:

Edit %1 [1]
Update %1
Delete %1
While this may seem like a clever way to save work, it actually poses
several issues for translators:

- It is often impossible to translate the containing phrase correctly
without knowing what exactly %x stands for. For example, the outer phrase
may need to agree in number, gender, or other grammatical attributes with
all possible fill-in phrases.

- In many languages, the fill-in phrases themselves must also be translated
in a certain way to fit in. In languages with cases, the %1 above should be
in the appropriate case. In languages that do not use English
capitalization, the fill-in phrases should begin with a lowercase letter,

Constructing phrases using placeholders should be avoided if possible. When
it is absolutely necessary, the container phrase should be provided
together with the possible fill-in phrases, or at least there should be a
comment directing the translator to their location. The fill-in phrases
should also be labeled as such and not used for anything else.



Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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