
descriptors can be found by searching with note:(keyID).

Best regards,

Dne 11. 07. 24 v 20:37 Lars Jødal napsal(a):
Thanks! That indeed makes easy to find the Weblate descriptor. (And I agree that it 
should be possible to add this "language" in normal LO versions, too.)

However, I now have a Weblate question: How do I search for the 
descriptor/key/context string in Weblate? I have tried searching without 
qualifier, and I have tried searching as context:(keyID). But in both cases, 
there are no hits at all. What am I doing wrong here?


[cid:image001.png@EAZE7JFRJNU4.AZV2MP98QO2A]    Lars Jødal | Hospitalsfysiker
Direkte: 97 66 54 94 | l...@rn.dk<mailto:l...@rn.dk>
Aalborg Universitetshospital Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling
Hobrovej 18-22 | 9000 Aalborg | Telefon: 97 66 55 00 | 

Fra: Tuomas Hietala <tuomas.hiet...@iki.fi>
Sendt: 10. juli 2024 23:11
Til: Lars Jødal <l...@rn.dk>
Cc: l10n@global.libreoffice.org <l10n@global.libreoffice.org>
Emne: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] How to find Weblate descriptor of string in UI?

[Du får ikke ofte mails fra tuomas.hiet...@iki.fi. Få mere at vide om, hvorfor 
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Hi Lars,

You need to install an alpha or beta release of LO and the "KeyID"/"qtz"
pseudo-language which contains the codes (on Windows you can just check
the box in the installer), and then switch your UI language to it:

Developers BTW: could we have enabled for stable releases too? I don't
really see any downside and it would help translators to have it in all


Lars Jødal kirjoitti 10.7.2024 23:06:

Is there some debugging feature that will allow you to see the Weblate
descriptor codes for the strings in the UI of LO?

If yes, it could help to find a specific string that is wrong in the
translated UI.

A specific example:

The English term "number" can be used in at least two different ways.
"Number" can indicate the type of number (1, 2, 3, 3.14, etc.) rather
than for instance a text string. But "Number" can also be used in the
sense of counting, as in "the number of objects". In Danish, these two
ways should be translated differently (as "tal" in the first sense, and
as "antal" in the second sense, if you are curious).

Now, the Danish Calc UI has the wrong sense in the case of the data
type of a cell: "Antal", where it should be "Tal". Both "Antal" and
"Tal" are valid words, so searching for the word gives me several hits
where the source string is simply "Number". Both translations can be
correct, depending on the context, so it is not obvious which one
should be corrected.

In fact, looking at the Norwegian, Swedish and German translations, I
am by now quite sure that it is the string with code "YPFu3" that I
should correct. But is there a way to start or set up Calc such that
the code strings are visible to me from the UI? This would have helped
me a lot.


[cid:image001.png@FCE7X63HJNU4.HSIYRVHIQ3KW2]   Lars Jødal |
Direkte: 97 66 54 94 | l...@rn.dk<mailto:l...@rn.dk>
Aalborg Universitetshospital Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling
Hobrovej 18-22 | 9000 Aalborg | Telefon: 97 66 55 00 |

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