Thanks! That indeed makes easy to find the Weblate descriptor. (And I agree 
that it should be possible to add this "language" in normal LO versions, too.)

However, I now have a Weblate question: How do I search for the 
descriptor/key/context string in Weblate? I have tried searching without 
qualifier, and I have tried searching as context:(keyID). But in both cases, 
there are no hits at all. What am I doing wrong here?


[cid:image001.png@EAZE7JFRJNU4.AZV2MP98QO2A]    Lars Jødal | Hospitalsfysiker
Direkte: 97 66 54 94 |<>
Aalborg Universitetshospital Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling
Hobrovej 18-22 | 9000 Aalborg | Telefon: 97 66 55 00 |

Fra: Tuomas Hietala <>
Sendt: 10. juli 2024 23:11
Til: Lars Jødal <>
Cc: <>
Emne: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] How to find Weblate descriptor of string in UI?

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Hi Lars,

You need to install an alpha or beta release of LO and the "KeyID"/"qtz"
pseudo-language which contains the codes (on Windows you can just check
the box in the installer), and then switch your UI language to it:<>

Developers BTW: could we have enabled for stable releases too? I don't
really see any downside and it would help translators to have it in all


Lars Jødal kirjoitti 10.7.2024 23:06:
> Hi
> Is there some debugging feature that will allow you to see the Weblate
> descriptor codes for the strings in the UI of LO?
> If yes, it could help to find a specific string that is wrong in the
> translated UI.
> A specific example:
> The English term "number" can be used in at least two different ways.
> "Number" can indicate the type of number (1, 2, 3, 3.14, etc.) rather
> than for instance a text string. But "Number" can also be used in the
> sense of counting, as in "the number of objects". In Danish, these two
> ways should be translated differently (as "tal" in the first sense, and
> as "antal" in the second sense, if you are curious).
> Now, the Danish Calc UI has the wrong sense in the case of the data
> type of a cell: "Antal", where it should be "Tal". Both "Antal" and
> "Tal" are valid words, so searching for the word gives me several hits
> where the source string is simply "Number". Both translations can be
> correct, depending on the context, so it is not obvious which one
> should be corrected.
> In fact, looking at the Norwegian, Swedish and German translations, I
> am by now quite sure that it is the string with code "YPFu3" that I
> should correct. But is there a way to start or set up Calc such that
> the code strings are visible to me from the UI? This would have helped
> me a lot.
> Regards,
> Lars
> [cid:image001.png@FCE7X63HJNU4.HSIYRVHIQ3KW2]   Lars Jødal |
> Hospitalsfysiker
> Direkte: 97 66 54 94 |<>
> Aalborg Universitetshospital Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling
> Hobrovej 18-22 | 9000 Aalborg | Telefon: 97 66 55 00 |
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