
On Thursday, 2023-04-27 18:32:56 -0400, Justin Luth wrote:

> In https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/150805 for 7.6 I
> re-arranged/changed the first 6 RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTIONs. It
> is important to note that this text should only be translated for
> locales that get their LC_OutLineNumberingLevel from en_US.
> The source string description (for RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_0)
> says: “do not translate this; instead describe the nth numbering style
> (LC_NumberingLevel) defined by your locale”

That's unfortunate though, because it's not available in Weblate and
translators would have to lookup the locale data source file and even
understand what those numbering level styles are about and how they are


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