Hi Allan, *,

On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 4:01 PM Allan Nordhøy <ep...@anotheragency.no> wrote:
> On 06.02.2023 14:05, sophi wrote:
> >
> That does work. Wouldn't have expected it to since I had to request
> permission to change anything in the language I have.
> At the time I think there was a policy of making suggestions first.

There's no overall policy imposed by TDF. It is up to the individual
translation teams to decide whether they want to allow suggestions
from members not in their team/from anonymous users or only logged in

> Most other instances leave everything open, or request to join anything.
> I don't see a point in having to click and then being allowed to edit…?

Don't get that - what do you have to click for being allowed to edit?
This thread only started with the suggestions, because the use-case of
"use-suggestion and edit it" was slow - it doesn't mean that people
will use that as their primary way of working with weblate. It is way
more common to just do translation by directly committing the string
or to accept a suggestion without the need to edit it first.

> Not possible for me, but I only have 1500 translations on my account.

Doesn't matter how many translations you did - as long as you're
logged in properly.

> I
> can see the comments, but not make comments.

you did make a source-string comment last month at least:
so just to clarify: It is not just since last week's update that you
cannot make comments, but it is a longer problem for you?

> >> and the source code links are broken.

indeed links for help were broken, fixed now - at least to the degree
it is fixable, some strings just don't have the necessary info in the
location comments.

> Anyway. Latest Weblate version and new config would help greatly.
> The new "teams" functionality allows setting up some users with access
> to edit source strings.

That permission was there even with earlier commits, but that's
prohibited on purpose.

> Doing that through Gerrit/Git is a non-starter.

Nope, that's the desired way to do it.


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