Hi Mihail,
Le 06/02/2023 à 11:46, Mihail Balabanov a écrit :
I noticed two unusual things working with Weblate lately:
- There are sporadic 'Delete entry' buttons. Why do they appear only for a
small percentage of the entries and what do they actually do? I would very
much like to delete erroneous or obsolete entries but the button never
appears on any of them.
Are you talking about Translation Memory? I didn't check but I guess
this is this one:
- Sometimes there is no similarity percentage. This hampers productivity
noticeably because when I know that a string is a 100% match, I can just
click through, otherwise I have to copy and compare in an external program.
This link illustrates both:
Are you sure this is this string:
because for me there is no automatic suggestions and I think you are
talking about that.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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