On 06.02.2023 14:05, sophi wrote:
Hi Allan,
Le 06/02/2023 à 15:34, Allan Nordhøy a écrit :
On 06.02.2023 12:44, Mihail Balabanov wrote:
Thanks for the clarifications; I'm aware of the three-tier TM but I
did not
pay attention that the "Delete entry" buttons are shown only where the
"Personal" tier is present in the Origin list. Unfortunately, the
entries and the ones containing typos and such gradually pile up and
are too many and too scattered to collect them manually. It would be
to be able to delete them as I stumble upon them in the suggestion
list or
immediately after I realize I have just saved a translation
containing a
I guess regenerating Weblete's TM from the latest one or two project
versions (7.4 and master) would be a good way to clean it up. Can I
such a thing for Bulgarian?
Also, I'm sorry about the broken link, here is a permalink to an entry:
For me, the Similarity column is empty for the last 4 suggestions.
No similarity column for me at all. Not even in the language I have
access to.
The two first strings are ok, the first one being 100%
Can you point to a string where it shows up for you?
I seem to remember the "delete entry" shows up for inconsistent entries.
As an aside, the particular configuration of the LO Weblate hurts
quality badly.
Not having access to more languages or comments doesn't make the most
of translator time.
You can add more languages in your settings, or I didn't understand
what you mean.
That does work. Wouldn't have expected it to since I had to request
permission to change anything in the language I have.
At the time I think there was a policy of making suggestions first.
Most other instances leave everything open, or request to join anything.
I don't see a point in having to click and then being allowed to edit…?
Commenting isn't possible, making suggestions for the source language
isn't possible,
It is possible, I review numerous of them each month, see for example
comments here:
Not possible for me, but I only have 1500 translations on my account. I
can see the comments, but not make comments.
and the source code links are broken.
I clicked on Source string location of the same string
in the String information area and it works for me, is it broken for
you? or could you give a link where it does not work?
I clicked "Placement of source code file" (05120100.xhp
and got
(There is no /05120100.xhp file)
Clicking "Translation file" (bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
I got
(There is no (/helpcontent folder).
As an example, the next string is
"The cell value is strictly less than the user defined value in the
text box in the right."
where it should be "user-defined" and "on the right". ("in the right"
means ~moral superiority vs. non-preferable alternative.
If the link to the source appears to be broken for you, an alternative
could be to open a bug and give the permalink to the string.
It doesn't say anything about bug-reports in
where I would look for it.
Anyway. Latest Weblate version and new config would help greatly.
The new "teams" functionality allows setting up some users with access
to edit source strings.
Doing that through Gerrit/Git is a non-starter.
Bonus points: I made
for https://weblate.org/discover/ and sent an e-mail to the WL admin in
march of 2021.
I would delegate some responsibility away from just the one guy if the
entire product depends on things that aren't getting done.
- kingu
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