sophi schreef op 28.11.2019 11:34:
Hi Kees,

Le 28/11/2019 à 10:16, a écrit :
I found some differences in the search options of Pootle and Weblate.
- When searching in Pootle you can select "Phrase match" and
Case-sensetive match. In Weblate I don't see that.

The naming is not the same, but in the Search type drop down list, you
find Fulltext, Substring, Exact match and regular expression.

Ah yes, I found it. Thanks for the tip.

- The results in Pootle are in a list and the amount of found items is
mentioned. In Weblate only one instance is shown and you have to search
again for the next.

I get a list, for example searching for Open, I get 7 occurrences, which
indeed it not complete, but it's a list. Could you send me a sample of
your search so I can reproduce it and see what's going on?

As I search for "Openen" (Open in Dutch) I get a list indeed. Again thanks for the help.
I think it depends on what you are searching for.

After several tests, I finally was able to retrieve your request for
UJ5WP in the example you sent me. You need to add Exact match in the
Search type and check Comment strings, and you get the result quite
quickly. I'll add it to the FAQ too.

That is it. Great now it works. Thanks a lot for your help.

Looking at the documentation, it seems the search query has changed in
the next version, see:
hope that will help us to fine tune string search

I hope so too.

Again. Thanks a lot Sophie.


Sophie Gautier
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