Thanks Christian,

None of those choices made much sense to me. I was looking for a Import translation (I'm happy with it, and don't want to do anything else with it...) choice.

After a lot of trial and error I found that it's best to choose 'Add as translation needing review', although it didn't need a review.

Using 'Overwrite existing translations...' took a long time, up to 6 minutes.

All looks OK now. Thanks.


Ar 25/11/2019 10:53, ysgrifennodd Christian Lohmaier:
Hi Sveinn, *,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 8:33 AM Sveinn í Felli <> wrote:
I have been trying to upload files through the Weblate instance, but
every time the same error message appears:

" Please fix errors in the form.
Error in parameter method: This field is required. "
As I didn't have any problem updloading a file with the change you described:
I assume you just didn't pick one of the file-upload modes. You need
to tell weblate how to treat the uploaded strings.
Whether they should be made as suggestions or flagged as fuzzy or
flagged as need review or just committed as-is.

You can then further limit to what strings in the uploaded file that
setting should apply to. You can tell weblate to ignore strings that
are flagged as fuzzy in the po file, and you can also tell weblate to
not overwerite strings that have been translated in weblate already.

Has anyone been able to upload a file to our Weblate?
Yes - and just tried with the component/file you had problems with. So
please double-check whether you did pick a file upload mode.

I guess the bug in weblate is that it doesn't tell what field is
required, just that "This" field is required and hoping that you know
which field is meant ;-)


Rhoslyn Prys

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