I found some differences in the search options of Pootle and Weblate.
- When searching in Pootle you can select "Phrase match" and
Case-sensetive match. In Weblate I don't see that.
- The results in Pootle are in a list and the amount of found items is
mentioned. In Weblate only one instance is shown and you have to search
again for the next.
Kind regards, Kees
sophi schreef op 19.11.2019 17:14:
Hi all,
I know how it's difficult to change a so important tool and our work
habits, so first I wanted to thank you all for your participation in a
constructive way to the test and the migration.
Some information on where we stand:
- Christian is currently adding Amagama to the translation memory, we
hope that will speed up the process
- The main problem seems that we can't download all files in one step,
here also Christian is looking at a way to download via Gerrit and
using command line and API.
- Since the migration is not over, Weblate is not running on it's own
hardware yet, so that might be the problem we meet with the slowness on
some tasks, this is something we are monitoring
- we have form a group with OpenSuse, KDE and Fedora to push and share
our development needs. We will have a workshop during FOSDEM, if you
there, please join the discussion :)
Don't hesitate to send your feedback to the list or to me, we need it
improve the tool to best suits our needs.
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
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