Hi Martin, Hi All,

2018-06-19 22:24 GMT+02:00 Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net>:

> Hi, Laszlo,
> 2018-05-25 20:26 GMT+02:00 Németh László <nem...@numbertext.org>:
>> For the incoming NatNum12 support, the other gender variants are
>> available under the prefix cardinal-feminine, ordinal-neuter etc.,
>> according to the "help"
>> of the end of the modules. With empty prefix input field, the Input
>> "help" shows the available functions, for example for Slovenian:
>> help    ena, dve, tri
>> cardinal-feminine: ena, dve, tri
>> cardinal-masculine: ena, dva, tri
>> cardinal-neuter: ena, dve, tri
>> ordinal-feminine: prva, druga, tretja
>> ordinal-masculine: prvi, drugi, tretji
>> ordinal-neuter: prvo, drugo, tretjo
>> ordinal-number: 1., 2., 3.
>> (Unfortunately, this help misses the available cardinal-adverbial and
>> ordinal-adverbial, as I just noticed.)
>> For Slovenian I am missing the "prvič, drugič, tretjič, ..." which is the
> equal of "1." or "first, second, third" as in "third point"; the gender
> ordinal ones you list are correct, but they count in corresponding gender,
> whereas the "prvič, drugič, tretjič" is the spelled-out form of "prislovni
> števnik", of the "adverbial ordinal", which would be needed in the lists,
> like "prvič: this and this; drugič: this and this, ..." ... Maybe this one
> can replace the "1st, 2nd, 3rd" we do not use in Slovenian as a special
> graphic form.

The plan is to use the new NatNum12 feature to support genders and other
functions in custom or predefined number formats:


Moreover, it will be possible to use dozens of suffix functions for
agglutinative languages with vowel harmony (ie. word-dependent suffix
variants), like Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian, see


and adding dozens of predefined date formats to the locale files to support
all date variants used in templates and mail merge in these languages (for
example, for Hungarian: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/55637/)

> Also, I downloaded the LO61b2 from a few days ago and it includes my
> translation of the numbering, but the numberin displayed in Slovenian
> document and language is not the one listed here, I only get: Ordinal 1.,
> Ordinal 2., Ordinal 3. and not "Prvič, Drugič, Tretjič" ... Is this feature
> not yet enabled for Slovenian?

Unfortunately, this is the fallback of the feature, when libnumbertext is
not available.

The issue with more information:

>> Thanks for your help,
> Thank you for your wonderful work, I hope we get this right for as many
> languages as possible for the 6.1.0 release ;)

Thanks, I hope that. :)  Thanks for your bug report!

Best regards,

> Best regards,
> Martin

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