Hi László

Em 03/05/2018 13:57, Németh László escreveu:
> Hi,
> LibreOffice 6.1 will support “spell out” numbering styles of OOXML (One,
> Two...; First, Second..., 1st, 2nd...),
> as you can see in the following screen cast (only English, French and
> German examples):
>  https://youtu.be/c0j4Sjie8t4 <https://youtu.be/c0j4Sjie8t4>
> My questions to the native language speakers:
> 1. Are these numbers correct in your language?
> You can check here, too: https://numbertext.github.io/
> index.html#testimonials

For pt and pt-BR

Cardinal numbers: OK

Ordinal numbers: Depends on gender of the noun.
e.g. 1234 can be
"milésima duocentésima trigésima quarta" if the noun gender is feminine
"milésimo duocentésimo trigésimo quarto" if the noun gender is masculine

Ordinal indicator: Same as above
"Parágrafo 1.º"
"Cláusula 2.ª"
(pt-BR keyboard has native support for º and ª)

Default currency: for both pt (EUR) and pt-BR (BRL) the currency gender
is masculine.

> 2. Do we need to change the default format etc. according to the normal
> usage of your country/language variant?
> For example, in the recent implementation, British English and American
> English differ with the “and”
> 101 -> “One hundred and one”: en-AU, en-GB, en-IE, en-NZ
> 101 -> “One hundred one”: en-US etc.

not for pt or pt-BR

> 3. Is it enough to support only a single gender in Spanish etc. languages
> to cover common outline and page number usage in publishing?
> Book/Part/Chapter/Section/Page/Paragraph One, or simply One (normal usage
> in English outline numbering)
> First Book/Part/Chapter/Section/Page/Paragraph (less common in English, but
> default numbering styles cover this, too)

For pt & pt-BR, cardinal numbers have no gender.
"Página um"
"Página dois"
"Capítulo cinco"

> Note: there is a plan to use similar spell out formats in currency and date
> formats of Writer, typical in contracts and invoices in several
> languages. These formats are only supported in Calc yet by the NUMBERTEXT
> Calc extension (or also in Writer macros via the new
> com.sun.star.linguistic2.NumberText
> service).
> Best regards,
> László
> P.S: A recent question (comes from Rene Engelhard) for Hebrew contributors:
> Is the Hebrew correct in the next line of resource file of the Numbertext
> Calc extension:
> <name lang="he">NUMBERTEXT() וMONEYTEXT() פונקציות גליון Calc</name>

Olivier Hallot
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