While adding locales, we might as well include pdt-MX, pdt-BZ and pdt-BO
where many speakers have dificulty communicating in either Spanish or
English. Besides pdt-CA, pdt-US and pdt-PY also have significant
populations of Plautdietsch speakers.

Then we might as well also add pdt-DE. Since they are pushing for a
variant spelling. Similar to en-US/UK or de-DE/AT or fr-FR/CA.

Mario L. Epp

On 12/04/2017 10:22 PM, toki wrote:
> On 12/04/2017 06:48 PM, Eike Rathke wrote:
>> As the main default locale I'll add pdt-CA
> How about including pdt-US, and pdt-MX?
> My perception is that the language is used as much, if not more in the
> US, and Mexico, as it is in Canada.

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