Hi Mario,
Welcome to our team!
I'm adding Eike in copy of this mail, he will be able to help you to
have the language included.
@Eike, do you want Mario to open an issue on BZ with the details?

Le 02/12/2017 à 05:17, Mario L. Epp a écrit :
> I would like to request the inclusion of a new language in LibreOffice.
> ISO 639-3: pdt - Plautdietsch. A variant of Low German, though very much
> distinct and different from the ISO 639-3 "nds".
> The language codes as specified by BCP 47 would be:
> -> pdt-019 (the main user community)
> -> pdt-150 (a secondary community with alternative orthography)
> There is no MS-LangID for PDT.
> PDT uses the Latin script, just like English, German and Spanish.
> The collating order would follow German (de) for now. Though that is
> still in flux, and might change slightly in the future.
> The quotation marks follow English (en-US).
> The currency formats follow the corresponding country codes.
> Currently I am the technical lead for the development of a spell checker
> and hyphenator for Plautdietsch, the possible localization and the
> development of translating dictionaries to and from English, Spanish and
> German.
> Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
> Mario L. Epp

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