So shoot me for being somewhat frustrated that several years down the line this is still an issue and that every times it comes up, it gets sidelined for some odd reason. I'm not Mother Theresa.

If I filed the bug incorrectly and if people feel that it should be worded differently, by all means close the one I filed and refile it differently. The reason they're together is that from the user point, it's an interconnected issue. That's the only reason it's filed as one bug.


05/08/2014 14:10, sgrìobh Simos Xenitellis:
A bug report is the way to go.
However, the content of this bug report is quite passive aggressive. It includes many separate issues while each bug report normally covers a single issue. Frankly, it does not make it easy to attract a developer to work on this.
This localization issue is important and it has to be dealt with properly.

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