
On 5 August 2014 00:29, khagaroth <khagar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The installer isn't in English, it's multilingual. And it should select
> the system language by default (this definitely works for Czech language).
> If it doesn't work for you languages, it's either a bug, or the translation
> isn't complete enough, and it was decided not to use it by default.

This selecting system language doesn't always work for 'minority'
languages. Largely because the support for these languages in the system
could be so poor or buggy or non-existent that the users may not have set
them as the default.

My point is this: if the end-user were to download from the main LibO site,
then, yes, it should go for the system language. But if the user had
already made the choice by going to a native language site and downloading
a native language pack, then to reimpose English on the user is, well,
not-well-thought-through, I fear.

Cheers, -e.

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