Wow. So if you're lucky enough to be among the 107 locale for which Win
8 (for those who have Win 8 of course, Win XP still has a 25% market
share) has a langpack or the 55 or so on Ubuntu (of course that does not
automatically translate into LO actually being offered in all those
languages as I recently had to discover with Scottish Gaelic) - or the
disgraceful number of locales on OSX, you're covered. Even if I just add
them up, that amounts to 2.7% of the world's languages being covered by
this approach. Anyone else has to rely on the end user *guessing* that
they have to run a custom install.
I like LO but I promote it through gritted teeth because the install and
update process continues to be a disgrace.
Elanjelian, the workaround we're currently using is not to use the
default download page but a customised page
( where we tell users BEFORE
they reach the download button that they have to follow this unintuitive
path through Custom Installation. It would probably work for your
language too.
04/08/2014 17:29, sgrìobh khagaroth:
The installer isn't in English, it's multilingual. And it should select the
system language by default (this definitely works for Czech language). If
it doesn't work for you languages, it's either a bug, or the translation
isn't complete enough, and it was decided not to use it by default.
*Akerbeltz <>*
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