Hi :)
That would be brilliant!

I do have a lot of trouble switching between different languages.  Luckily
for me one of the English ones has (us) after it so i switch back to that
and then try to figure out which language is really needed.  It might be
even better if there were 2 columns rather than just one to get the best of
both worlds.
Does the list really need to be translated afresh for each release?!!?
 Surely once done the list stays much the same except for 'new' languages
that have been added?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 10 April 2014 11:26, 锁琨珑 <suokunl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> So far, the language names shown in "Tools - Options - Language
> Settings" are in the localed language name strings. For example, if you
> are using English UI, the language listed are "English (USA), English
> (United Kingdom), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Tranditional)..."; When
> you are using Chinese (Simplified) UI, the list shows like "英语 (美国),
> 英语 (英国), 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁体)..."; when using Japanese UI then
> the names are expressed in Japanese.
> I believe those language names should be changed to the target names
> chars for all UIs, like the language listed here:
> http://zh-cn.libreoffice.org/international-sites/
> (see the second column)
> I am thinking about this because of the following reason:
>   * It's a waste of time for localizers to translate every foreign
>     language names to their own locale. Even translated, it may not be
>     correct.
>   * In case the users are trying to switch between languages, there may
>     be confusion (for example, if I want to test something in Franch UI,
>     and after that I want to change back to Chinese UI it's really
>     difficult to find the right one in the list box.
> And there is a corrensponding bug report here:
> Bug 59901 - UI: Name of each language in target language
> https://www.libreoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59901
> Currently the language stings are translatable in pootle. My idea is that:
>   * The language stings should be made un-translatable, just maitain a
>     language list in the source codes with target chars; or
>   * there be guidelines in the l10n wiki page to tell localizers to
>     translate the language list strings to the target language chars.
> Best regard,
> Kevin Suo
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