Hi all,

So far, the language names shown in "Tools - Options - Language
Settings" are in the localed language name strings. For example, if you
are using English UI, the language listed are "English (USA), English
(United Kingdom), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Tranditional)..."; When
you are using Chinese (Simplified) UI, the list shows like "英语 (美国),
英语 (英国), 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁体)..."; when using Japanese UI then
the names are expressed in Japanese.

I believe those language names should be changed to the target names
chars for all UIs, like the language listed here:
(see the second column)

I am thinking about this because of the following reason:

  * It's a waste of time for localizers to translate every foreign
    language names to their own locale. Even translated, it may not be
  * In case the users are trying to switch between languages, there may
    be confusion (for example, if I want to test something in Franch UI,
    and after that I want to change back to Chinese UI it's really
    difficult to find the right one in the list box.

And there is a corrensponding bug report here:
Bug 59901 - UI: Name of each language in target language

Currently the language stings are translatable in pootle. My idea is that:

  * The language stings should be made un-translatable, just maitain a
    language list in the source codes with target chars; or
  * there be guidelines in the l10n wiki page to tell localizers to
    translate the language list strings to the target language chars.

Best regard,

Kevin Suo

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