Hi :)
So it's all done?  Is it 'just' the quality that you are checking now?
 It sounds like you have already done an immense amount of work there!
Good work all!
Many regards from
Tom :)

On 7 November 2013 16:44, Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Finally I made it using custom tools,
> the Final percentage of Kazakh l10n of LibreOffice 4.1.x dropped to 51%,
> rest 49% are fuzzy currently.
> As I explained earlier, Kazakh l10n consisted of old translation and
> my translation,
> and old one was in bad shape. I have decided to mark it all as fuzzy
> and check it
> all over again.
> This is a lot of work, of course, but, at least I will be sure for quality of
> Kazakh localization.
> Thanks for reading.
> --
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