2013/1/15 Jan Holesovsky <ke...@suse.cz>

> Hi,
> I got a report that
> https://help.libreoffice.org/Main_Page
> is not translated - which is true.  In order to be translated to your
> language (one of CA, CS, DA, DE, ES, FR, HU, IT, JA, KO, NL, PL, PT,
> PT-BR, RU, SL, SV, VI, ZH-CN, ZH-TW), I'd like to ask you for the
> translation of its source, that is of
> https://help.libreoffice.org/WikiAction/edit/Main_Page
> If you can do it, please send it to me as a reply to this mail - I do
> not want to do Wikihelp editable, as all the pages except the Main_Page
> are still just generated from the LibreOffice Help, and it might lead to
> confusion.
> Thank you a lot,
> Kendy
> --

Hi Jan

One question. Should <div id="mf-page" title="Welcome"> be translated?


Sérgio Marques

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