Thanks, Mihkel. Then please someone add these lines for Slovenian to the Windows file:
static const struct KeysymNameReplacement aImplReplacements_Slovenian[] = { { XK_Control_L, "Krmilka" }, { XK_Control_R, "Krmilka" }, { XK_Shift_L, "Dvigalka" }, { XK_Shift_R, "Dvigalka" }, { XK_Alt_L, "Izmenjalka" }, { XK_Alt_R, "Desna izmenjalka" }, { XK_Page_Up, "Prejšnja stranf" }, { XK_Page_Down, "Naslednja stran" }, { XK_End, "Konec" }, { XK_Home, "Začetek" }, { XK_Insert, "Vstavljalka" }, { XK_Delete, "Brisalka" }, { XK_Escape, "Ubežnica" }, { XK_Right, "Desno" }, { XK_Left, "Levo" }, { XK_Up, "Navzgor" }, { XK_Down, "Navzdol" }, { XK_BackSpace, "Vračalka" }, { XK_Return, "Vnašalka" }, { XK_slash, "Poševnica" }, { XK_space, "Preslednica" }, { SunXK_Stop, "Ustavi" }, { SunXK_Again, "Ponovi" }, { SunXK_Props, "Lastnosti" }, { SunXK_Undo, "Razveljavi" }, { SunXK_Front, "Ospredje" }, { SunXK_Copy, "Kopiraj" }, { SunXK_Open, "Odpri" }, { SunXK_Paste, "Prilepi" }, { SunXK_Find, "Najdi" }, { SunXK_Cut, "Izreži" }, }; and the line defining Slovenian in KeyboardReplacements: { "sl", aImplReplacements_Slovenian, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aImplReplacements_Slovenian) }, Thanks, m. -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted