
Since we have Asturian keyboard available under Linux, LibO Help is
translated to match such translated keys, so no problem with that.

Hopefully, somewhere in the future Asturian kb will be available as
Unicode standard keyboard, which may ease i18n/l10n work. We are
working on that, and perhaps when CLDR is open again for new data
submissions we can include it.

Best regards

2013/1/12 Joan Montané <j...@montane.cat>:
> Hi all,
> 2013/1/12 Xuacu <xuacu...@gmail.com>
>> Still, I don't know if this change is useful, since (unlike Linux)
>> Windows lacks a proper implementation of Asturian language. Any advice
>> is welcome.
> It's a i18n/l10n issue. There are 3 approaches. The first one is to get the
> names of keys from OS. The second one is to localize the names of keys
> according to program (LibO) UI language. The last one is to keep the names
> of keys hardcoded in English.
> In Catalan case, there are several programs using the second approach
> (translating names of keys). For instance Firefox, Thunderbird and MS
> Office!!! follows this one. We only know 3 programs getting names of keys
> from keyboard OS: OOo, LibO 3.x and Foxit Reader.
> Also, keep in mind what translation has been done in LibO Help for your
> language. In Catalan case we translated strings of names of keys, of course.
> So, with Jesus's patch, al LibO is fine now, from our point of view, because
> now LibO UI & Help translations match :)
> Best regards,
> Joan Montané

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