
Using Pootle today, I found that, after I submitted a translation in
Project Terminology, in Thai language, the "extracted comment" (the
line starting with "#." in .po file) wasn't shown in Pootle UI
anymore. But it's still accessible via Download.

For example, I submitted the "Free Software" translation [1], and now
this word doesn't have the comment shown in yellow box above the
source word anymore. Note that it was shown before submitting, like
the previous word "Frame" which I didn't submit.

Anyway, if you click Translate tab > Download [2], and search for
msgid "Free Software", the comment still be there.

Since I haven't used pootle for several months, I'm not sure if this
is already known, or it's only affected specific project / language,
or I just missed something? :-)


Best Regards,
Korrawit Pruegsanusak

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