
You are probably right, but it might be easier to teach users to use shortcuts 
that are there per default than to teach them to use a tool to set up their 
shortcuts. With this said i do think that such a tool should exist, but only 
after GOOD default shortcuts are set. The default shortcuts should in my 
opinion be that good that only very specific user cases need to change them.


----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Bauer
To: l10n@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Tue, 31
Jul 2012 23:21:04 +0200
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New keyboard
shortcuts: Ctrl+[ and ]

> Hm I really don't mean to be sarcastic but - like anyone BUT a poweruser
knows any shortcut beyond ctrl c/v/z? If you hit Google Scholar, you 
> loads of studies which show that on the whole, people don't use 
them much
> (like this one

I think we
> may be kidding ourselves here ;)


31/07/2012 21:38, sgrìobh Jon
> Lachmann:
> Hi,
> In my opinion that is a good idea, but it is only
> appealing to power users. The average user will probably never find a need
> strong enough for custom key shortcuts to make her look for such an option.
> A drawback is that it would make the user experience inconsistent, if user A
> has all default, and uses the computer of user B she wont find the correct
> key combinations.
> To first focus on creating good and well chosen
> default shortcuts should be the initial objective and later evaluate the
> need for such a tool.
> Best regards Jon

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