I'm on English Win7 here with English as my locale but a German keyboard
which has the square brackets on ALTGR 8 and 9 too so I don't quite see
that working on German keyboards either. Looking at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout that seems to be the case
for many Northern European languages. Spanish/Vietnamese/Switzerland
seems to use ALTGR and the two keys to the right of the P, French ALTGR
with the two keys to the left of the Backspace, Tamazhight ALTGR + U or
I. It seems like a messy approach to be honest.
I may be being dim here but what's the point of this when CTRL +/-
already increase the zoom system-wide?
On a different note, I have long bemoaned the lack of a tool that allows
me to define shortcuts like MS Office where I can use the character map
to identify and character and then define a shortcut, including
overriding the program/system shortcuts for the application. This also
includes shortcuts for things which aren't "characters" such as menu
commands. How about a function that allows the user to set keyboard
shortcuts for menu items and characters in LO which, if in conflict, can
override system shortcuts. It would be great for people working with a
mix of languages or unsupported languages on the one keyboard and also
get us around this issue as every user could define which shortcut they
want to use to resize the font, appropriate to each user's keyboard? It
would solve all such issues in one tool, rather than try and solve this
headache for each new shortcut that might be useful to some?
29/07/2012 00:27, sgrìobh Jon Lachmann:
Hi Andras, *
Concerning the keyboard shortcuts to resize the font in the bug below; i can
see that you (Andras) added shortcuts for the swedish version, great!
The thing I am thinking of is other languages with keyboards short of the [ and
] keys. All translators should check their keyboard layout to see if it is
possible to enter the Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] combinations, otherwise it must be
added to the source. The swedish shortcuts added are Ctrl+8 and Ctrl+9 (like in
swedish msword).
Best regards Jon
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