
May I suggest Ctrl + [ and ] as the default for US and similar keyboards, and 
Ctrl + 8 and 9 for latin style keyboards?

Who can add these combinations to LO? Andras?

Best regards Jon

----- Original Message -----
From: Zeki Bildirici
To: l10n@global.libreoffice.org
Cc: Andras
Timar [mailto:tima...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 21:35:45
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+[ and ]

> 2012/7/29 Jon Lachmann <j...@lachmann.nu>:
> > The thing I am thinking of is other languages with keyboards short of the
> [ and ] keys. All translators should check their keyboard layout to see if
> it is possible to enter the Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] combinations, otherwise it
> must be added to the source. The swedish shortcuts added are Ctrl+8 and
> Ctrl+9 (like in swedish msword).
> Hi,
> It is impossible to use Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+]  in Turkish keyboard
> layout.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#Turkish_.28Q-keyboard.29
> because [ and ] are already key combinations as the same reason
> Michael Bauer said above.
> Although i've looked to MS Office, their said combination for Turkish
> CTRL+Shift+> and CTRL+Shift+
> doesn't work on MS Office 2007 and 2010 :)  The reason that < and >
> are usually made by ccombinations.
> However, it works on Office 2013 as
>  [Alt+Ctrl+Shift+1]
> and
>  [Alt+Ctrl+Shift+"]
> both needs 4 fingers at once and makes no sense.
> Regards,
> Zeki
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