This looks promising:

It has video tutorials for several features of LibreOffice. Latest episodes
are these:

Episode 11: Tracking Changes in
Episode 10: Colorful Reports in
Episode 9: Mail Merge in
Episode 8: Using Clip Art in
Episode 7: Introduction to


2012/5/6 Lailah <lailah...@gmail.com>

> No, I don't.  But if somebody knows something, feel free to post it on
> the list!
> Regards
> El lun, 30-04-2012 a las 12:32 +0430, Hossein Noorikhah escribió:
> > Hi,
> > In addition to localizing LibreOffice, localizing learning materials is
> an
> > important step for the success of LibO. Do you know any good source for
> > Impress/Powerpoint slides, tutorials, videos, etc that can be used for
> > introducing/Training LibreOffice?
> >
> --
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