Op Ma, 2012-05-07 om 18:21 +0300 skryf Коростіль Данило:
> On 05/07/2012 03:47 PM, F Wolff wrote:
> > Which version of Virtaal are you using? From your comment (2) I guess it
> > is before 0.7. With version 0.7, you can go to File ->  Properties to see
> > statistics like those (as strings, or as words).
> I meant visible somewhere on pane.

Ah, ok. I'd like to hear your ideas of how to present that visually.
People have some very different ideas, so I've not had certainty of what
the best direction is to go in.

> > Version 0.7 also improved performance in a few areas. Hopefully an
> > upgrade is all you need. If not, feel free to add the file (or a URL) in
> > a bug report so that a developer can have a look at why it is slow:
> > http://bugs.locamotion.org/
> Version is 0.7.1. For example, you may open Evolution po file and try 
> it. I have time to go to the kitchen for the cup of water till it opens. 
> :) Probably that's because of my old computer, but gtranslator and 
> lokalize is fine.

On my laptop (more than 3 years old) it opens in seconds. I tried it on
an old netbook, and it took about 18 seconds, which is probably already
frustrating. I'll try to look into this, testing it on the netbook to
see how it can be improved.

Just so that I know what you are dealing with: 

 - more or less how long does it take to open the file?
 - what are your hardware specifications?
 - what operating system and version do you use?

I think at this point we should probably take it off this mailing list
as it is a bit off topic here, I guess :-)

Keep well

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