On 05/07/2012 02:07 PM, Dwayne Bailey wrote:
We have a Translation Memory server called Amagama giving matches for almost all FOSS projects: *office, gnome, KDE, etc. Those who translate offline using Virtaal are already befitting from that. That is integrated into the next iteration of Pootle.
It really useful stuff. Thanks for that. It's reason why I use Virtaal by default. Are you going to improve Virtaal? Here is only two really painful things why I don't like Virtaal: 1) So slow. It's quite good for small files. But when it's over 4000 strings it takes long time to open and save.
2) Weird thing, but there is no ratio of strings (translated, fuzzy, total).

Transifex is really good for collaboration: I can see all translated string by certain user. Do you have this option in beta? It's useful to track newbies translators works and fix mistakes on the fly. Moreover, it's quite useful to coordinate that huge projects like Mozilla and LibreOffice, where number of translators are more than one and strings are more than 10k.

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