On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 5:19 AM, toki <toki.kant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 02/06/2011 12:29, Mike Dupont wrote:
>> This means that changes can be cherry picked out and included in 
>> libreoffice, no?
> What changes?
I mean that libreoffice can take from the openoffice, if they make
improvements, libre office can use them, but not vica versus.

> Under the new OOo license there is no requirement for source code to be
> available, much less sent up stream.

I understand, that Is good for IBM, but not good for small contributors.

> Which means that the best license for LibO to use is AGPL, precisely
> because it is incompatible with the EULA that OOo will be distributed
> under.

Sounds also good, sure. why not.

>(Unless you don't mind your LibO contributions being used in a
> closed source, priority program that is distributed under a EULA on
> slightly less restrictive than MSO2000 Enterprise Edition.)
>> Also, may i ask what is the point of a lgpl. library gpl for an application.
> It allows the program to be distributed as closed source, without making
> that fact immediately obvious.

But why what that liceense chosen?

> jonathon
> - --
> If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.
> If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth
> requesting.
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James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania
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