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On 02/06/2011 12:29, Mike Dupont wrote:

This means that changes can be cherry picked out and included in libreoffice, 

What changes?

Under the new OOo license there is no requirement for source code to be
available, much less sent up stream.

Which means that the best license for LibO to use is AGPL, precisely
because it is incompatible with the EULA that OOo will be distributed
under. (Unless you don't mind your LibO contributions being used in a
closed source, priority program that is distributed under a EULA on
slightly less restrictive than MSO2000 Enterprise Edition.)

AGPL is a stricter version of GPL.  It adds restrictions on Internet 
Also note that Libreoffice's LGPL licensing is incompatible with the OOo 

Also, may i ask what is the point of a lgpl. library gpl for an application.

LGPL now means _Lesser_ General Public License.

It allows the program to be distributed as closed source, without making
that fact immediately obvious.

Not quite. It allows the LGPL program to be distributed as a component of a closed source set of programs.
Any altered form of the LGPL program itself must also be LGPL (or GPL), and not 
closed source.

In practical terms, it means that Libreoffice can always be distributed by others along with closed source programs, so allowing a wider use of Libreoffice. But if the code of Libreoffice itself is changed, and it is redistributed, the new program must have LGPL (or GPL) licensing, and the code source must be made available. So these changes would be available to enhance Libreoffice, if we wish.

Note that if any open source program is modified, but it is not redistributed, there is no obligation to release source code.



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