2011.06.03 18:52, toki rašė:
On 03/06/2011 06:30, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
What for? IANAL, but as far as I understand, Apache license allows *us*
to use OOo's code, perhaps even relicensing it under LGPL/MPL.
My point is that there will _not_ be any source code to use.
From the text I quoted in previous message and you deleted, it seemed
to me like your point was that OOo will just take and relicense LibO's
code under some proprietary EULA.
My point is that there will _not_ be any source code to use.
The worst case scenario IMO would be that there is no _new_ source code
to use, but IMO:
1) if old code is licensed under APL, this means we can relicense the
existing OOo code we have under LGPL/MPL, so our whole product would be
licensed consistently, which is good
2) I'm quite sure that no new code in OOo means the end of OOo, which
means there is more room for both LibO and Lotus Symphony to grow. Why
would that hurt?
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