Hi Dwayne, *,

2011/4/19 Dwayne Bailey <dwa...@translate.org.za>:
> On 2011-04-19 09:13, Andras Timar wrote:
>> So now there are 3 checks in place for translations:
>> gsicheck - standard check for tags etc.

This should be integrated into pootle somehow - and errors in there
should "block" the exporting (syncing to on-disk-files) to avoid
checking in invalid files (that then break the build)

>> readmecheck - same as gsicheck but for the readme
>> doublecheck - check if different English strings were translated into
>> the same at critical parts of the code
> In an ideal world I'd love those tools to inject the found errors back into
> Pootle so that you have one place to find and fix errors and no cryptic
> strings we need to search for.

Yes, indeed. But pootle should be more strict than gsicheck (but of
course it should cover everything that gsicheck finds) While pootle
already catches some of the errors, it doesn't flag this one for


(in case sophie is too fast and fixes it in the meantime:
<variable id="FehlendesElement">Dans  une fenêtre de fichier de base
de données, cliquez sur l'icône <emph>Requêtes</emph>, puis choisissez
<emph>Éditer - Éditer</emp>. Lorsque les champs de référence
n'existent plus, vous voyez cette boîte de dialogue</variable>

 <emph></emp>    !!!! non-matching - missing "h" - pootle doesn't flag it

It's always better to have some false positives than to miss stuff.

And may I suggest to change the theme to give a bigger font for the
translation-box? I guess that's one of the reasons of missing quotes
or writing an *opening* tag as </tag> and not noticing it.

But even better would be a "commit-hook" that instead of letting you
advance to the next translation unit points you back at the
just-changed string with a message "You very likely introduce an error
here - you mistyped the tag's name or something" :-)


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