Hi Martin,

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net> wrote:
> 2011/4/19 Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com>
>> This is not a false positive. You need to translate Heading and Title
>> to different words, [...]
> This same string is also a problem for Slovenian, but I cannot make up
> another word if both English words are localized into the same Slovenian
> word.
> I don't care what your script says but for Slovenian this is not an error -

That's a very strange attitude. So you're telling Slovenian users to
screw themselves because the translator cannot come up with a way to
use two different strings?

> it would be an error if those strings had a different translation.

I really doubt the Slovenian language doesn't have something that
distinguishes a main title, from a simple heading, but be it.

If you lack a word, then just add another. Make Title "Main Heading"
or something similar.


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