It is important to note that this is just the PROPOSED rulemaking to modify the 
Light Sport rule under MOSAIC and that the comment period for the new rule is 
currently open.  Comments are read and the rule can be changed based on the 
comments.  For instance, the maximum clean stall speed includes planes like the 
Cessna 172, but excludes the Piper Cherokee series aircraft, which miss by 
roughly 2 kts.  If sufficient comments suggest raising it by a couple of knots 
to include the Cherokee line and all the Cardinal aircraft, there is a very 
good chance that could happen.  Expect the actual rule to be announced at 
Oshkosh at the earliest next year.  If it doesn't make it by then, I could take 
until late fall.  But by all means, I would encourage all to comment to the FAA 
on the Mosaic NRPM.  The comment period closes on October 23, 2023!  Read the 
NRPM at 
 and use the link at the top of that page to enter an official comment.
FWIW, all three of my planes (SuperCub, Marquart Charger Biplane, and RV-6) 
will qualify to be flown as Light Sport under the proposed rule.  I am a happy 
camper, even though I don't have a need to fly under Light Sport Rules.

-Jeff Scott
Arkansas Ozarks

> Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 9:04 PM
> From: "Larry Flesner via KRnet" <>
> To:
> Cc: "Larry Flesner" <>
> Subject: Re: KRnet> rule changes
> On 8/31/2023 7:58 PM, wrote:
> > Note that the stall speed requirement is for "clean" stall speed.  Of 
> > course, nobody really polices amateur built LSA compliance... 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> The old "clean stall speed" was at or slightly higher than the published 
> stall speed of the KR.  The published stall speed in the plans of the KR 
> is now notable less than required and the KR built to plans is "clean" 
> as the plans do not include flaps.  It would seem to me that the cloud 
> has lifted if the changes are accepted.
> Larry Flesner
> -- 
> KRnet mailing list
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