
This is where I stand.

In my number one cylinder,, the magnitor is firing (sending a spark in the
exhaust phase. When the air is coming out.

Million dollar question is
1. Where is top dead center? Is there a marking for it?
2. How do I adjust the mag to fire in the compression at 28 degrees BTDC.
3. Talked to a mechanic - he said he needed a procedure or timing marks.

4. Is there a Hapi manual out there that is electronic that someone can

On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 7:36 AM Mark Langford <> wrote:

> I should also mention that there is only one firing order for a normal VW
> type 1 engine, and that's 1-4-3-2.  For some reason, the GPASC manual has
> 1-4-3-2 for distributor ignition, and 1-2-3-4 for magneto.  I have no idea
> what Steve was thinking when he put this in his manual, unless the magneto
> terminals and wires are numbered differently, but that simply doesn't
> change the firing order of the cylinders, and when they need a spark
> delivered for the engine to run.
> Bottom line is the cam and crankshaft determine proper firing order, and
> unless it's a very weird VW, it's 1-4-3-2 (and I know of none, other than
> maybe the "half VW").  So if you set up number one cylinder at Top Dead
> Center (TDC) on the compression stroke, with spark plug firing on number
> one, and then work through the rest (as previously mentioned) in the
> 1-4-3-2 order.  Rotate 180 degrees and check the next, etc.  Obviously, you
> need to mark TDC on the spinner backplate or  somewhere else visible, so
> it's easy to do the next time too.
> And all of this is meaningless if you don't know how the cylinders are
> numbered on the actual engine.  The one closest to the pilot is number one,
> and the one forward of that is number 2.  Closest to the passenger is
> number 3, and forward of that is number 4.  See enclosed image, where
> "front of car" is actually "rear of airplane".
> Mark LangfordML@N56ML.com
> Huntsville, AL
> [image: Type 1 VW Firing Order - Specialty Buggy Supply]
> --
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