Many thanks old friend. I sent him an email on the net, you will see. Really sorry your health is not as good as a 21 year old. 😂. But sadly we are all getting older. I hope to have a few years left yet. ( fingers crossed on my health) I’m 65, ok at the present. I was hoping to see you. But can’t beat fate. How far from Oshkosh are you. Never know. I am spending two night at the Hilton at O’hare airport I think the 20 and 21 July. How far from there are you All the best Your mate Phil.
Sent from my iPad > On 1 May 2023, at 2:14 am, Sid Wood <> wrote: > >  > Larry, > I sold my KR-2 to Global Aerospace three years ago. Got two projects going > now. My hangar partner has a flying project of his own. Your hangar is > pristine bare compared to the mess in mine. > > My smart phone does the same thing: spontaneously offers to plot the shortest > route when I touch my truck to go somewhere. > > Sid Wood > California, MD. > > > From: Flesner via KRnet > Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2023 2:39 PM > To: > Cc: Flesner > Subject: KRnet> empty hangar > > On 4/29/2023 1:03 PM, Flesner via KRnet wrote: >> While were on the subject of > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > I hit the button too soon. I meant to include a photo. This is what I was > greeted with this morning. This will happen to all builders and fliers > somewhere down the road. Get it built, get it flying. The clock is > ticking........... > > > > > > If you're still reading I'll share something else on the subject of smart > phones and AI. My smart phone (Apple) is programmed to learn my routine. > When I get in my truck to go home after work I remove my phone from the > holster to check for any missed calls / text and without touching a thing it > opens the GPS program and gives me the distance and ETA to drive home. This > morning after our usual Saturday morning breakfast get-together I got in my > truck, pulled out my phone to check, and the GPS popped up and gave me the > distance and ETA to the local airport that I stop at every Saturday morning > after breakfast. AI is not to be feared it's the people writing the > software that should be feared, especially if they are the people in power. > AI is nothing more than a totally obedient servant to it's master. How many > days to the Gathering? Are your plans made?......................... > > Larry Flesner > > -- > -- > KRnet mailing list > >
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