I agree with your advice about temp probes but only have a cloudy recollection 
of the AFR gauge and O2 sensors you refer to.  Was this on the KR Forum, or did 
I read it somewhere else?  About how recently would it have been on the KR 

-----Original Message-----
From: KRnet <krnet-boun...@list.krnet.org> On Behalf Of Craig Williams
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2023 12:32 PM
To: KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org>; Mark Langford <m...@n56ml.com>
Subject: Re: KRnet> Sensors:

Hi JIm

I think there is some confisuion here.  

The EGT would not work on a common exhaust.  The downflow probes would be 
heated by multiple cylinder.  Those probes need a hole in the down pipe ideally 
just 2 inches from the head.  This would be helpful to ID a cylinder that is 
down on power inflight.

The CHT probes can be installed under the spark plugs but I have mine installed 
in 6 threaded ports under the heads.  The heads come with 2 factory ports and 
you would need to weld in 4 more.  With that said I have not seen any 
difference in my readings on all 6.  I would just install 2 in the factory 
positions or use 6 under the spart plugs.  IMO, the only reason to have 6 would 
be to identify a dead cylinder in flight.

IMO installing O2 sensors on each side and a AFR gauge gives almost the same 
info for leaning inflight.  If that is all you want it for then just go the 
easy route and install the narrow band AFR system.

Hope this helped,


> On 02/23/2023 11:47 AM CST Jim Litchfield via KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org> 
> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Thanks for the rapid response.
> I kinda thought the answer was what you said but was wondering if 
> there was a way to do it sorta like when you use the 14mm sensors 
> under the spark plugs to eliminate drilling into the exhaust pipes 
> themselves. I was hoping to clamp the sensors to the pipes rather than 
> drilling them Guess not- Now for another question- Do I need a sensor on 
> every stack or can I put a sensor after the rearmost stack in the pipe going 
> away from the vertical stacks ?
> Is there a need to have a sensor on every cylinder's exhaust or would one 
> reading per side be sufficient ?
> BTW I read somewhere on your site about you making the sensors to go under 
> the plugs. I would like to review that again but haven't had much luck 
> finding it.
> Thanks
> Jim Litchfield
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