On 7/10/2022 11:15 PM, Craig Williams wrote:
Thanks, that seems more reasonable.  So the center of the tank is used for the 
arm I would assume.  After all it's essentially a rectangle. I did find a pic 
on Marks website (http://www.flykr2s.com/wing.html) so measuring between the 
spar faces also should give me the number I need.  So far my rough numbers are 
putting me at the aft edge of the envelope.  So I am looking for any problems 
with the ARM's I am using.

N886MJ (N51CW)


You can't use the numbers from anyone else with any certainty. The method Chris posted is the only sure way to know what is right for your airplane.  For example, my wing tanks are long and narrow, only 10 inches behind the froward spar to eliminate CG problems so they won't be correct for your airplane.

With the airplane level, tanks empty, determine the CG location. Add fuel to both tanks, I'd suggest 3 to 5 gallon minimum, Do weight and Balance again.  Divide the difference in the "moment" number by the difference in the "weight" and that is the "arm" for the fuel.  That's the only way to get correct numbers for your aircraft for any item on the list, pilot, fuel, baggage, etc.  You can then add the weight for full fuel X the arm to determine the CG location for full fuel.  Once the "arm" of an item is determined everything else can be done with pencil and paper.

Larry Flesner

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