Glad you asked, because the KR2 is not some orphan design, in fact one was at 
the Gathering this year, and a great one, at that!  In my opinion, the KR2 sits 
in the same place as the original Corvettes and T-birds - it positively and 
forever changed the way the world thinks about homebuilts!  Just as the mid-60s 
corvettes matured the brand, the originals are still as valid as at their 

You have to look way back in the newsletters to the 80s and 90s to see what was 
going on in the old newsletters.  Because of the printed and mailed nature of 
what became KRnet, things advanced slower.  There was a lot about Angles of 
Incidence, washout, and tailfeather size, pushrods vs cables, but most of that 
is common knowledge now.  

To the original KR2, the main mods were:
1) Replacement of the original KR retracts.  Diehl fixed was by far the most 
2) non-VW engine, the most common probably O-200/235 and Corvair.  Big VWs are 
still perfectly viable, just look at N891JF
3) Fuel tank changes- moved to wings, mostly.  Requires pumping system, fuel 
lines, etc
4) Premolded parts made construction easier and faster, and also gave a common 
'look' to the design
5) Flaps and/or belly boards enhanced landings, mostly

New airfoil became popular after the KR2S was established as the KR2 format.

FWIW, I decided to finish my KR2, and have a backup for sale.  Both have RAF48 
airfoil skins.

Griff P

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan <rr...@san.rr.com> 
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2021 9:05 AM
To: 'KRnet' <krnet@list.krnet.org>
Subject: KR>Re: spar caps / new wing

Mark I have read the info that is on Marks website. I want info from other 
builders that may have gone a different route and made personal changes or 
improvements from the original KR2.

Text 858-229-4875
N12KR TriGear

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Wegmet [mailto:markweg...@charter.net]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2021 2:54 PM
To: KRnet; Flesner
Subject: KR>Re: spar caps / new wing

Larry, I think this might be what you are referring to.... 

On 10/10/2021 4:28 PM, Flesner wrote:
> On 10/10/2021 1:58 PM, Mark Wegmet wrote:
>> . the difference (other than length and height) between the original
>> KR-2 spars and the KR2S spars is that the original plans for the KR2 
>> spars had the mahogany plywood (shear web?) on one side of the spar, 
>> and the 2S spar has this on both sides of the spars (necessitating 
>> the addition of weep holes) . The basic "ladder" style construction 
>> of the primary spar structure is, essentially, the same.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> The 2 had the center section spars shear webbed on both sides and the 
> outer spars shear web on one side only outboard of the WAF's.
> Somewhere along the line it was suggested to double shear the forward 
> outer spar, not sure about the aft spar.  On the new airfoil, the 
> thicker of the two options, I recall the spars had the same dimensions 
> except the caps were made thicker to accommodate the thicker airfoil 
> and the spar was longer for additional wingspan.
> If someone would,  please post the link for the full story on the new 
> wing for those not familiar.  I thought it was on Langford's site but 
> I only found a short reference.
> Thanks........
> Larry Flesner
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