One item I never considered on the first three "first flights" that tried to bite me on the first flight in the Cruzer was "stick neutral pitch  position".  I failed to verify before takeoff with a visual and started the takeoff with stick in slight nose up pitch position.  By the time I got the throttle to the firewall the airplane LEAPED off the ground and I went through a two cycle PIO before getting it stabilized.  Neutral position was a fair amount forward than I anticipated.

Lesson learned:   Start from neutral so there are no surprises and then make inputs appropriate for the airplane and phase of flight, i.e., in a taildragger go to full back stick at start of takeoff if appropriate.  In the Cruzer a neutral position or very slight forward input kept the plane on the ground until it was ready for controllable flight.  Whatever is appropriate and works for control-ability.

Larry Flesner

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