I noticed today that the "Maddyhome" search engine that Rick Maddy has hosted 
for many years is finally down, as Rick announced his retirement late last 
year.  It seems the "platform" upon which his search engine is based is so 
obsolete that it's a lot of effort to upgrade, so he's calling it quits.  A guy 
named Tom Tugan has stepped up to rewrite the code and create a new search 
engine, and he's currently working on the replacement.  When he's done I'll ask 
for a Paypal collection to help compensate him for his efforts.  For the moment 
we're stuck with the search engine at http://mylist.net/private/krnet/ , which 
is somewhat less user friendly.  I'll let you know when the new search engine 
is working.  

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com
website at http://www.N56ML.com 

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