Hi Rick
I would be very interested in seing pictures of your flap arrangement if

Can you please email me some photo's.

Thanks you.

Gavin Magill
New Zealand

On 22 August 2010 12:58, R. Human <rahu...@peoplepc.com> wrote:

> OK - let me see if I can help. I have a standard KR-2 with flaps. First off
> the flaps as built per plans will not pitch the nose down! They do not have
> the area to being even close to doing that - about the only thing they can
> do for you is marginally help stabilize your air speed on final. I haven't
> found any help in deploying them on take-off, the only benefit I have found
> is that two notches will help you get the tail up when operating at gross.
> Now all that being said I was able to make a rather simple modification
> that
> probably made my installation twice as effective and that was to add a
> center section flap that fills the gap between the flaps across the bottom
> of the fuselage. I can supply pics if you wish but it's simplify a piece of
> reinforced 1/8" ply that is hinged off of the flaps inboard hinge points
> with a third center point added. The ply has tabs on the ends that the
> flaps
> engage and the center section flap is deployed along with the flaps. I get
> about a 6 kt reduction in stall speed with the flaps fully deployed. Larry
> is right on his post the only good numbers that are meaningful are going to
> be ones you generate in your Phase I testing - Best advice I can give is to
> do you initial testing on a 4,000 foot field - I prefer turf myself it's
> more forgiving. Then once you have a feel for the airplane shorter fields
> become a possibility.
> My apologies for not trimming the original note - but it's seems pertinent
> to leave it in its entirety.
> Rick Human
> N202RH
> Houston, Tx

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