Pete, You can sandwich the copper tape between a couple of layers of fiberglass cloth, let them set up and then glue the rig in wherever you feel like. Bury the copper tape directly in the foam of your vertical or glue it directly onto your vertical stabilizer if it is already glassedĀ and cover over with a layer of fiberglass cloth if you feel like fairing it in! The best way is to place it on your foam before you cover it with fiberglass to begin with.
Larry Howell ________________________________ Netters I'm trying to duplicate Mark Langford's comm antenna installation using a arrow shaft to support the lower half of the dipole. So far, all the local sporting goods stores and hobby shops only carry carbon fiber arrow shafts. Can they be used in lieu of fiberglass? Somewhere, I thought I read that carbon fiber would hamper transmission of any radio signal????? I await responses from those with any info. Thanks, Pete Klapp, building KR-2S N729PK, Canton, Ohio