I think it would be GREAT if we spent the majority of he year planning on attending Oshkosh, WI airshow, aka AIRVENTURE, to have the planes that did fly in there spend the week rather than depart on day 2 on a 7 day week. I have been to several Airventures over the past 35 + years. That brings me to another issue, you have a hard time finding a shirt in the VENTURE with the name Oshkosh on it. Due to the venders have to have EAA approve it to be sold on property. From what I know Oshkosh WI is a city, and EAA Airventue is an EVENT. How can EAA prevent a vender from putting Oshkosh on a Tee Shirt. From all of the threads on this site in the past few weeks/months every reference to the event going on in WI right now has been OSHKOSH........ not AIRVENTURE..... I lost my motivation for OSH/AV last year when I rode a bike to cover my plane before a rain storm, and I was out of wind before I got out of the commercial area. What letter of EAA stands for Certified aircraft.???? I was the web host for my local chapter. I let somebody else take over and I did not re-enlist my membership with EAA . It took 2 years to get AOPA to stop sending me shit. I flew 2 days to go to Oshkosh / Air ventue to have them give me a glass and have to pay to park my plane at a show that was about homebuilts. And what really sucks is people live so close to the area, only stay for a day or 2 and go home. We talk about it most of the year and then it is gone in a day or 2. I remember my dad meeting Ken back in the days and getting a set of plans from HIM. now you send in a check and hope. OSH booth.... no way. Mark L has had a forum for several years at A/V. How many sets of plans were sold there???? 0.00
I informed Bob Glidden last year that I would never go back to A/V. I will fly back to MI or even a gathing or 2 maybe. I would have a good time flying to a CX4 group deal if BOB G would be there. A gathering is meeting with people and looking at planes you are building. not just a social event. OSHKOSH is now a commercial event and the Gathering has become a social event. I think changing the location will get people sparked about building the KR and FLYING to the event rather that driving, or flying comm to a camp out at a / root beer fest. I may change my mind when I see more than Jeff Scott and Steve Glover show up to Copper State EAA . in October. Im sorry if this post is depressing or hits toooo close to home for some people, but it is the way I feel. Lee Van Dyke N420LV aka Snakebite 350+ hours and having a grat time.