Ronald Wright wrote: > Standing around waiting for the "other shoe to drop" is not the way to keep > flying. Being the agressor is the only way to win. We need PRO-ACTIVE > legislators introducing Bills to protect GA and our FREEDOMS.. Sitting on > our hands will not work with the "new/change" group in control again. > Spending apparently is their only "solution", but all that has done is to > grow more GOVERNMENT.. Homeland Security and the TSA are two of the most > recent jokes we now have to deal with in our daily lives, whether we are > flying or driving or sitting at home watching the latest comedy on the > "news".. > > We need another Boston Tea Party to get these idiots we "elect" straightened > out. It seems that once they get elected they suddenly get stupid..?? Let's > get a movement started to let the PEOPLE control Congress. Stop their > "instant retirement programs and lifetime medical benefits". We need > movement back to what POLITICIANS orginally did for US, served their COUNTRY > and then went back home; no retirement, no perks for life.. >
You know, of course, that there ARE Tea Parties being organized all around the country. Some were this weekend, many are still coming up. Here's a link for more information: I'm working with the local Constitution Party contact to set one up around here in a couple of weeks. -- David Lininger, kb0zke EM37kt Rev. 2:10