KR netters, Regarding:
> (1) proposed budget is calling for aviation user charges starting > in 2011 (2) ?It is often said the devil is in the details, but even with only a few details, we are concerned,? said AOPA President Craig It seems that almost every year the budget proposals call for some kind of users fees which are usually attributed to the airlines' influence and their alleged desire to get rid of the little airplanes. if this follows the same pattern this will again be dropped somewhere along the path. Now regarding APOA's alarm (see second reference above.) Fifty years ago as a young and new pilot I was energized and terrified almost every month as AOPA came forth with a new warning that the general aviation world as we knew it was about to end. After a few years of this repeated cry of "wolf" I grew tired and dropped out of the AOPA organization. I am not saying that AOPA is "bad" but the fact is that they do seem to cry "wolf" about almost every remark that becomes public and about many rumors that they are responsible for making public. History shows that most of this turns out to be nothing more than 30 second sound bites and quickly disappear. I suggest we relax and see what exists after passing though the filter of broadcast hysteria and then lend support to defeat serious proposals that would end the freedom of flight as we now enjoy it. John Milland