Standing around waiting for the "other shoe to drop" is not the way to keep flying. Being the agressor is the only way to win. We need PRO-ACTIVE legislators introducing Bills to protect GA and our FREEDOMS.. Sitting on our hands will not work with the "new/change" group in control again. Spending apparently is their only "solution", but all that has done is to grow more GOVERNMENT.. Homeland Security and the TSA are two of the most recent jokes we now have to deal with in our daily lives, whether we are flying or driving or sitting at home watching the latest comedy on the "news"..
We need another Boston Tea Party to get these idiots we "elect" straightened out. It seems that once they get elected they suddenly get stupid..?? Let's get a movement started to let the PEOPLE control Congress. Stop their "instant retirement programs and lifetime medical benefits". We need movement back to what POLITICIANS orginally did for US, served their COUNTRY and then went back home; no retirement, no perks for life.. Off the soap box.. Ron > It seems that almost every year the budget proposals call > for some > kind of users fees which are usually attributed to the > airlines' > influence and their alleged desire to get rid of the little > > airplanes. if this follows the same pattern this will > again be > dropped somewhere along the path. > >